
Christina´s Huge Breasts Cause Marital Difficulties

Some people might find it hard to imagine that there would be a downside to being with a lady with huge tits, but those people aren´t Christina Aguilera´s whiny little husband.

Christina´s Huge Breasts Cause Marital Difficulties

The latest breast related rumor from the Aguilera camp is that her massive mammaries are attracting unwanted attention from would be lovers.

According to rumor, Jonathan Bratman is angry that Christina has been flirting with other men, including employees. He´s fired the ones who worked for him, but we all know that won´t be enough to stop the rising tide of Aguilera lust.

Sooner or later Bratman´s either going to have to lock Christina up a la Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, or end up cuckold.